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Wade Hampton Little League


How do I know if I am in the WHLL Boundary?
See the Boundary Map link on the WHLL website, go to the Little League International website and click on “League Finder” (link provided on the WHLL website), or contact the League via email ([email protected]).

Do I have to live inside the WHLL Boundary in order register with WHLL?
NO…However, the one and only exception to the residency requirement is if a registrant-player attends a school within the WHLL Boundary.  In such cases the school address can be used in place of the home address and a verified School Enrollment Form will become an acceptable proof of residency.

What schools are in the WHLL Boundary?
Taylors Elementary, Paris Elementary, Lake Forest Elementary, and Sevier Middle.

What days are practices and games?
We cannot provide exact practice days until all registrations are closed and teams have been set. We also cannot provide specific game nights until all leagues within the district complete their registrations and schedules have been made. However, plan for 3 to 4 days/nights a week. Games and practices typically do not take place on Wednesdays or Sundays.

Will we have practices once games start?

Once games start, practice schedules will be adjusted on a week to week basis depending on coaches request, field availability, number of games scheduled, etc. 
How long are seasons? 
Spring season practices usually begin sometime in February with games beginning in mid to late March. Games run through the end of May with tournament play beginning in June. 

Fall season practice begins in late August and games run from September through October. 

This is our first time playing, what do I need? 
Players will need to bring cleats (rubber spikes only), gloves, bats, and batting helmets. Softball players will also need to provide facemasks and males require a protective sports cup. 

I've signed up, what do I do now?
You will receive email notifications from WHLL about important dates and your coach will reach out to you once rosters have been set. Please like and follow the WHLL Facebook page for the most up to date info.

What does the registration fee include?
Players registered in the spring receive a full uniform (hat, shirt, pants, belt, socks) as well as a banquet and trophy at the end of the season. 

Players registered for fall receive a shirt and a hat. 

What is the difference between spring and fall seasons?
Spring season is longer and the games are a bit more competitive. Tournament is available for Spring season.
Fall seasons are more focused on development and instruction and can be viewed as preparation
 for Spring. No tournament play is available for Fall.

Can I volunteer to coach?
Of course! We are always happy to have parents involved. Each volunteer MUST pass a background check. This includes coaches, team moms, and scorekeepers. 

Where are practices and games played? 
All WHLL practices will be at either Butler Springs Park or Lincoln Park. Games could potentially be played at Butler Springs, Corey Burns Park, David Jackson Park, Conestee Park, or Northwest Park. 

Is a physical required? 
A physical is not required. Just the medical release form is required to be filled out and turned in before your player can participate in any drills, practices, or games. 

What forms are required?

If your player attends a school within the WHLL boundary, the school enrollment form is all that is required to prove residency. If your player is home schooled, or does not attend a school within the WHLL boundary, three proofs of residency are required. See the forms page for more info on correct documentation. 

How and when do I get my paperwork to the League?
If a registrant-player is required to participate in Player Evaluations, all paperwork must be brought to the scheduled evaluation. WHLL will have a Mandatory Meet the Coaches/ Paperwork Drop-Off Day prior to the start of practices for all registrant-players who are not required or able to participate in Player Evaluations. All non-evaluated registrant-players will be required to have a representative appear on that day to drop off all required paperwork.

Wade Hampton Little League

301 Butler Springs Road 
Greenville, South Carolina 29615
Phone : 202-746-9405
Email : [email protected]
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